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A member registered Sep 03, 2018

Recent community posts

what an absolutely foolish and stupid but adorably addictive game. The idea is simple and great with this years game jam but its the only game so far that I have played more than once. It is simple. It is addictive. It is HARD!  Great job!

Great looking game and fun. Wish that the check list was an optional hint like a hard mode so you had to figure out out yourself sometimes. I was using a track pad instead of mouse but was still able to play very well. I wish there was sound! This would make a great mobile phone game I think too! Great job. 

Tried playing but just got stuck. Went through first door and nothing happened. Like the idea of the game of using a startle as a weapon but didn't get to enjoy it. 

Great idea! Great game! Great fit for the theme! Can't wait to play more.

Loved the idea of the game and how it fit into this years theme but just wasnt any fun. Best part was when I was done and my eyes took a few minutes to adjust back to the screen not moving and everywhere I looked was all wavy. 

There is a REALLY cool game in here somewhere but I just can't figure it out! I love the idea of answering questions with the painting pieces but there is too much I don't know about how to play that it is frustrating and hard to follow along. I was hoping that if I kept with it I would figure it out but after some time I was just more lost as more details got added at such a fast text pace that I couldn't keep up. Give us a little more detail on how to play and I think you have a gem on your hands.